Sunday, November 14, 2010

grateful for.

1) the long hike i took and just returned home from. man, the sun sure is beautiful this time of year. the way it touches down and creates pockets of shadows all around. it's not so warm today and the air smells like home. the greatest.
2) my friends. let me be specific, seeing as though this is a list of things i'm grateful for right now: danielle, dionne & gwen - i had some disposable cameras developed yesterday and picked them up this afternoon. one of the sets i received contained photos from gwen's wedding. wow, we were so young and gwen looked beautiful that day. absolutely radiant. i realized how tremendous life can be having truly great friends. you know, the kind of friends that stick around for a long, long time. those friends are the best. briana & ray - i am still working on my photo book. yes, that one. i developed the last two cameras and i have to say, i am quite taken with all the images bri and ray chose to photograph. such a small, simple project but it has brought me monumental happiness. so, thanks guys. zahni - he touched down into my life at just the right time. a long time ago now. the time of zahni. i went all the way to the southern hemisphere (Australia) to meet him while he was on a long, strange trip of his own. we had a pretty good time cruising from just south of Sydney all the way up to the Great Barrier Reef. i took a lot of photos. a lot. i decided yesterday that i would begin to develop those rolls of film from that time in my life. it's not always so easy to face the past, you know? i'm getting there.
3) the mushroom pizza i just devoured. pizza never loses its allure.
4) the long, cool glass of water to my right.
5) an amazing show last night at the troubadour. missed dunes, oops. but i saw bethany cosentino live for the first time and she's a cosmic sister for sure. best coast = damn straight. for now that is.
6) i know this song is in a new commercial now for some LG phone. oh, well. it's really good.
7) stacy's healthy, new baby nephew - clark oliver lynn. jennifer and mike are going to be the best parents ever.
8) the healing process. i know with time on her side, my mom will be okay. we'll all be okay. it's just gonna take some mending and a lotta love.
9) did i mention pizza?